KNEKT RCU operation
A typical example of the KNEKT RCU display is shown above to illustrate how a
source product’s controls and current status are displayed (in this case, a CD
player). The display will change to reflect the status of the system and what is
being controlled at a particular time. What will be displayed is very much
dependent on how your system was programmed. Your Linn Custom Installer
will be able to help you with any aspects of the programming.
The KNEKT RCU’s functions are explained in more detail below.
playing – e.g. CD player
current status – e.g. stopped
does – e.g. plays
Switching the KNEKT RCU on/off
TToo bbrriinngg aa KKNNEEKKTT RRCCUU iinn aanndd oouutt ooff ssttaannddbbyy::
to take the KNEKT RCU in or out of standby.
TToo sswwiittcchh aallll tthhee KKNNEEKKTT RRCCUUss iinn tthhee ssyysstteemm ooffff::
If your KNEKT system is INTERSEKT
based, you may have the option,
depending on how your KNEKT system has been programmed, to send
every KNEKT RCU in the system into standby simultaneously (global shutdown):
Press and hold
on any KNEKT RCU in the system until the
display shows ‘off’ and starts to count down from 5 – 0. Continue to hold
until the countdown from 5 – 0 is complete.
Once the countdown is complete, all KNEKT RCUs in the system will then go
into standby.
Not available in all systems.
before the countdown is complete will not result in a global
shutdown and only that KNEKT RCU will go into standby.
TToo sswwiittcchh KKNNEEKKTT RRCCUUss oonn aafftteerr gglloobbaall sshhuuttddoowwnn::
on each KNEKT RCU that you wish to bring out of standby.