EEaacchh KKOOMMPPOONNEENNTT 110044 lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
2 loudspeaker plugs
3 mm hex key
wall-mounting bracket
2 bracket covers with cutout for bracket fitting
detachable fabric grille
warranty card
this manual
wall bracket assembly instructions
4 rubber feet
We recommend that you retain the packaging in case you need to transport
your loudspeaker(s) at a later date.
Specially designed floor-stands are also available to provide the KOMPONENT
104 loudspeakers with stylish and rigid support.
Fabric grilles
The KOMPONENT 110, 106 and 104 loudspeakers are supplied with fabric grilles.
The grilles are held in place by SEKRIT-Fasteners (shielded magnets hidden
within the cabinets). Grilles can easily be removed by sliding them downwards
(away from the magnets) and gently pulling them towards you.
Remove dust and fingerprints from the cabinets with a soft, dry, lint-free cloth.
Avoid using domestic cleaning products as they may damage the loudspeaker.
The grilles should be removed from the cabinets and cleaned carefully with a
soft brush.
EEaacchh KKOOMMPPOONNEENNTT 111100 lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
loudspeaker base kit (in separate box)
2 loudspeaker plugs
3 mm hex key
stand assembly / input terminal tool
2 wall-mounting brackets
2 bracket covers with cutout for bracket fitting
detachable fabric grille
set of floor protectors
warranty card
this manual
base kit assembly instructions
wall bracket assembly instructions
EEaacchh KKOOMMPPOONNEENNTT 110066 lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr iiss ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aacccceessssoorriieess::
2 loudspeaker plugs
3 mm hex key
wall-mounting bracket
2 bracket covers with cutout for bracket fitting
floor/shelf-mounting adaptor (for wall-mounting bracket)
detachable fabric grille
warranty card
this manual
wall bracket assembly instructions
floor stand assembly instructions
magnetic badge for fabric grille
KOMPONENT 110, 106 & 104
Owner’s Manual
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