Replay chapter/track
TToo rreeppllaayy tthhee ccuurrrreenntt cchhaapptteerr//ttrraacckk::
Press on the front panel or handset.
The chapter/track will play from the beginning.
Playing Discs
Locating a particular point on a disc
Fast search forwards and backwards
TToo ffaasstt sseeaarrcchh ffoorrwwaarrddss oorr ffaasstt sseeaarrcchh bbaacckkwwaarrddss wwhhiillee aa ddiisscc iiss ppllaayyiinngg::
To fast search forwards, hold on the front panel or handset.
To fast search backwards, hold .
Fast scan forwards and backwards
TToo ffaasstt ssccaann ffoorrwwaarrddss oorr ffaasstt ssccaann bbaacckkwwaarrddss wwhhiillee aa ddiisscc iiss ppllaayyiinngg::
To fast scan forwards at 2x normal speed, press on the handset.
Further presses of increase the speed of forwards playback: 4x, 6x, 8x normal speed.
Press to resume normal playback.
To fast scan backwards at 2x normal speed, press
Further presses of increase the speed of reverse playback: 4x, 6x, 8x normal speed.
Press to resume normal playback.