Gauge Setup Menu.
There are four primary setup options in the analog menu: Themes, Tick
Marks, Thresholds and Text. When working in the gauge setup menu,
use ↓ ↑ and → ← to highlight the desired option, then press ENT.
EXIT will take you back to the previous screen.
You can make gauges transparent from all the setup menus except
Text Setup.
Themes setup allows you to change gauge style, color scheme, and
needle style.
Gauge Style: There are three gauge settings:
Digital: shows the information in a digital format.
Analog Gauge: uses dials to show gauge information.
Analog Slider: uses a bar graph to show gauge information.
Color Scheme: There are five color options, white, blue, black, red and green.
Needle Style: There are four needle styles, Triangular, Straight, Beveled
and Big Needle.
Min/Max setup gives you the option of modifying the gauges mini-
mum and maximum angles, values and ticks.
Minimum and Maximum Angles gives you control over the numerical
layout of the gauge. You can spread the numbers out around the gauge
or bunch them together in a smaller area.
Minimum and Maximum Values allows you to decide where the gauge's
numbers will begin and where they will top out. For example, you may
decide to start the gauge at 0, 5 or 10 and top it out at 85, 90 or 100.