Section 4:
Advanced Mode Operation
iFINDER H2O keypad.
1. PWR/LIGHT (Power & Light) – The PWR key turns the unit on and
off and activates the backlight.
2. PAGES – Pressing this key switches the unit between the four dif-
ferent page screens in Advanced Mode. (Satellite, Position, Navigation
and Map.) Each page represents one of the unit's major operation modes.
3. MENU – Press this key to show the menus, which allow you to select
or adjust a feature from a list.
4. ARROW KEYS – These keys are used to navigate through the
menus, make menu selections, move the chart cursor and enter data.
5. ENT/SAVE (Enter & Save) – This key allows you to save data, ac-
cept values or execute menu commands.
6. EXIT – The Exit key lets you return to the previous screen, clear
data or erase a menu.
7. FIND – The Find key launches the iFINDER search menus and
some navigation functions.
8. ZOUT – (Zoom Out) – This key lets you zoom the screen out to see a
larger geographic are on the map. Less detail is seen as you zoom out.
9. ZIN – (Zoom In) – This key lets you zoom the screen in to see greater
detail in a smaller geographic area on the map.