A new screen will appear showing a simple drawing of a circle with a line
pointing from the center to a point on the edge. At the top of the screen, the
START CALIBRATION button is selected.
The Calibrate Compass page, with Start Calibration selected.
2. Choose a reference point. The reference point is for you alone, the
iFINDER doesn't need to know anything about it. But choose a refer-
ence point nearby such as a tree, your car, or even use your own body.
While calibrating, hold the iFINDER as parallel to the ground as
possible. Tilting the iFINDER makes compass measurements more
difficult for the unit.
3. Now press
ENT to start calibration. You'll notice the line moving
slowly around the circle. Turn the iFINDER so that the line is pointing
from the center of the circle directly to your reference point. As the line
continues moving around the circle, rotate the iFINDER to keep the
line pointing at your reference point. Remember to keep the iFINDER
level as you rotate it, so that the back of the unit is parallel to the
4. The line will travel all the way around the circle at least once, and
may go twice around the circle. Continue rotating your iFINDER in
time with the movement of the line until the words "Calibration is
Done" appear at the top of the screen. When you see this, you're fin-
ished! Your iFINDER should now report accurate compass headings.
Find Your Current Position
Finding your current position is as simple as turning iFINDER on. Un-
der clear sky conditions, the unit automatically searches for satellites
and calculates its position in approximately one minute or less.