Introducing Octel Unified Messenger
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Benefits summary
Octel Unified Messenger provides the following benefits to your
Subscriber convenience
With Octel Unified Messenger, subscribers can:
n Store all messages in one place, regardless of the message type.
n Access voice, e-mail, and fax messages from either the telephone
or PC user interface.
n Reply to messages in one medium (for example, voice) with
another medium (for example, e-mail).
n Send voice messages with the same ease and convenience as
sending e-mail messages.
n Use TTS conversion to listen to e-mail messages when access to a
PC is not possible.
Ease of administration
Octel Unified Messenger offers administrators the following capabilities:
n All messaging administration can be handled by a single
n Management tools are combined into one application.
n A single directory for voice, e-mail and fax messages makes
system management easier.
n PC user interface tools make it easy to create or update mailbox
Send messages near and far
Octel Unified Messenger systems can utilize OctelNet to connect to
existing Octel voice messaging systems at the same location or at remote
locations. Subscribers can send and receive messages from remote
subscribers as easily as if they were all using the same local system.