Form A: System Configuration
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Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
Required for PARTNER II System and PARTNER Plus System.
For additional instructions, see page 4.
Auxiliary Equipment (System). Check if applicable:
Battery Backup
Caller ID Devices
Loudspeaker Paging: Number of zones
Magic on Hold (Music on Hold {#602} must be active.)
Uninterruptible Power Supply
SMDR If checked, specify the following if appropriate:
SMDR Record Type (#608)—By default, all calls are included on call reports. Write
“Out” if only outgoing calls are reported
SMDR Output Format (#610)—By default, up to 15 digits are printed for dialed
numbers in the Number field of the call report. Write “24” if a maximum of 24 digits
is desired
SMDR Talk Time (#611) (PARTNER II only)—By default, a Talk field is not included
on the call report. Write “Active” if the Talk field is desired
Write any additional information that you want to communicate to the installer.
Installation Date
Order Nos. 15. Sales Support Representative’s Name
Telephone No.