Issue 5 January 1998 2-1555-230-024
Industry Applications
The following application discussions explain how the DEFINITY ECS meets
communications challenges in various industries. Though the specific require-
ments of the industries vary throughout the world, the general information pre-
sented here should be useful for generating ideas. Even if none of the
applications precisely match your situation, the examples may suggest creative
solutions you can apply to suit your needs.
As technological and organizational change continues to accelerate worldwide,
even the distinctions between industries are losing significance. In the financial
services industry, for example, banks, brokerage houses and insurance compa-
nies now offer many of the same services. In this chapter, industries are pre-
sented in the broadest terms, with little regard for overlap. For example, the
insurance industry can be considered under both the "Healthcare" and "Financial
Services" headings.
In most cases it is difficult to consider DEFINITY ECS without also considering its
array of options. Many of the solutions discussed in this chapter are enabled by
optional hardware and software. The DEFINITY ECS is the essential integrating
platform that coordinates and enhances these specialized tools. Even if your
intention is to purchase a basic system, it is important to gain some understand-
ing of the many options the system provides so you can eventually capitalize on
those advantages.
Some applications and products are unavailable in some countries. Please
check with your local distributor for further information about which features
and applications are available to you.