Closed-Caption Decoder
Closed-Caption Decoder Registers
Panasonic Semiconductor Development Company MN102H75K/F75K/85K/F85K LSI User Manual
9.4 Closed-Caption Decoder Registers
All registers in Closed-caption Decoder block cannot be written by byte (by word
only). Read by byte is possible.
Table 9-9 Closed-Caption Decoder Register
Address R/W Description
FCCNT x’007E00’ x’007E20’ R/W VBI decoding format select register
MAXMIN x’007E02’ x’007E22’ R CRI interval maximum and minimum register
SLICE x’007E04’ x’007E24’ R/W VBI data slice level register
HNUM x’007E06’ x’007E26’ R HSYNC count register
ACQ1 x’007E08’ x’007E28’ R/W ACQ capture timing control register 1
CAPDATA x’007E0A’ x’007E2A’ R Caption data capture register
CRIFA x’007E0C’ x’007E2C’ R CRI frequency width register A
CRIFB x’007E0E’ x’007E2E’ R CRI frequency width register B
CRI1S x’007E10’ x’007E30’ R/W CRI capture start timing control register 1
CRI1E x’007E12’ x’007E32’ R/W CRI capture stop timing control register 1
CRI2S x’007E14’ x’007E34’ R/W CRI capture start timing control register 2
CRI2E x’007E16’ x’007E36’ R/W CRI capture stop timing control register 2
DATAS x’007E18’ x’007E38’ R/W Data capture start timing control register
DATAE x’007E1A’ x’007E3A’ R/W Data capture stop timing control register
STAP x’007E1C’ x’007E3C’ R/W
Sampling start position register (software setting)
FCPNUM x’007E1E’ x’007E3E’ R
Sampling start position register (hardware calculation)
NFSEL x’007EC0’ x’007EE0’ R/W Noise filter select register
FQSEL x’007EC2’ x’007EE2’ R/W Frequency select register
SCMING x’007EC4’ x’007EE4’ R/W
Minimum sync level detection interval set register
BPPST x’007EC6’ x’007EE6’ R/W Backporch position register
SYNCMIN x’007EC8’ x’007EE8’ R Sync and pedestal level register
SPLV x’007ECA’ x’007EEA’ R/W Sync separator level set register
x’007EEC’ R/W Clamping control register
HSEP1 x’007ECE’ x’007EEE’ R/W HSYNC separator control register 1
HSEP2 x’007ED0’ x’007EF0’ R/W HSYNC separator control register 2
FIELD x’007ED2’ x’007EF2’ R/W Field detection control register
HLOCKLV x’007ED4’ x’007EF4’ R/W Sync separator detection control register 1
HDISTW x’007ED6’ x’007EF6’ R/W Sync separator detection control register 2
VCNT x’007ED8’ x’007EF8’ R/W VSYNC separator control register
HVCOND x’007EDA’ x’007EFA’ R Sync separator status register
x’007EFC’ R Clamping control signal status register 1
SBFNUM x’007F4C’ x’007F6C’ R Sampling start position register
TESTA x’007F4E’ x’007F6E’ R Test register