ITEM #07 (DLAY = DELAY TIME): [5, default] Thermostat waits 5 minutes before
turning the system back on after it was last run. This internal delay prevents
rapid cycling and provides equipment protection. The 5 minute setting is fine for
most applications. [2] Same operation as above but reduced to 2 minutes
between state changes.
ITEM #08, #09, #10 (CYCL = SYSTEM CYCLE DURATION): These three settings
will control how frequently your heating/cooling system will be allowed to cycle
ON during room temperature control. The possible setting values for these three
items are: 60, 30, 20, 15, 12, 10, 8, and 6. Whether all three of these items are
shown, and their available values, will change depending upon what type of
heating system you have selected previously in ITEM #06.
When the heating/cooling system turns on, it will remain running for as long as
necessary to reach and maintain your target set temperature. EXAMPLE: with an
ITEM #08 HEAT CYCLE setting of 12, the heating system will turn on
approximately 5 times per hour (turning ON once every 12 minutes). With an
ITEM #09 COOL CYCLE setting of 20, the cooling system will turn on
approximately 3 times per hour (turning ON once every 20 minutes).
ITEM #11 (STAGE-2 OFFSET): [4, default] This setting is adjusted as a number
from 0 to 9. This setting varies how low the room temperature must drop before
the second (auxiliary) heating stage becomes activated, if present. When set to 0
(ZERO), the second heating stage is completely disabled while in regular Heat
mode (however Emergency Heat mode will still function for heat pump
configurations). A lower number will make the second stage turn on sooner, and
will generally provide increased comfort. A larger number will allow a greater
decrease in room temperature to occur before turning on the second heating
stage, and will generally provide greater energy efficiency. If you find that the
second heating stage is cycling too frequently, use a larger number for this