The Air Filter Monitor counts the duration of filter usage that has occurred, since
the last time the Filter Monitor has been reset. This feature is for information
purposes only, and does not affect the operation of your heating or cooling
equipment, or the thermostat. When the filter usage duration has expired, the
words “CHANGE FILTER” will appear at the top of the display screen, alternating
with the current DAY and PERIOD.
TO ACCESS FILTER INFORMATION: Press the MENU button, then press the SCROLL
button until “SET/REVIEW FILTER USAGE” is shown, then press the OK button.
The words “FILTER USAGE COUNT” will appear at the top of the screen, along
with the total number of hours that have elapsed since the last time the filter
counter was reset. Press the NEXT button to advance.
The words “FILTER USAGE RESET?” will appear at the top of the screen. To reset
the filter counter to the start of the current limit setting press the OK button.
Press the NEXT button to advance.
The words “ADJUST VALUE FILTER LIMIT” will appear at the top of the screen.
This shows the current setting value for how many filter run time hours can
elapse before showing “CHANGE FILTER” in the Normal Run screen. The
adjustment range for this setting is from 0 hours to 2000 hours, with 720 hours
as the default. A filter limit setting of 0 (zero) hours will disable the filter
monitor feature. Once complete, press the EXIT button to save all settings and
return to the Normal Run screen.
NOTE: Air filters are sold based upon how many days they are rated for. One day
of filter run time is actually considered only 8 hours (not a full 24, since your
heating and/or cooling system only runs for approximatly one third of the time).
For a “90-day” filter, use a limit setting of 720 hours should be used, and for a
“30-day” filter, a limit setting of 240 should be used.
ENERGY USAGE MONITOR: Your thermostat contains a timer, which records the
amount of “on-time” for your heating and cooling systems. There are three
records that can be displayed for both Heat and Cool modes:
1) The amount of system run time so far for today.
2) The amount of system run time for yesterday.
3) The total cumulative system run time since the timer was reset.
The Heat Energy Usage information is shown while the System Mode switch is in
the Heat position, and the Cool Energy Usage information is shown while the
System Mode switch is in the Cool position. The following examples are shown