By default, this thermostat has 4 separate program periods for both Heat and
Cool mode, they are: MORN, DAY, EVE, and NITE. Each period ends at the start
time of the following period. The heat programs are set in HEAT mode, and the
cool programs are set in COOL mode.
NOTE: If the thermostat is configured to use only 2 periods per day instead of 4
(HARDWARE SETUP OPTIONS), the thermostat will only use the DAY and NITE
periods. The MORN and EVE periods will not be visible on the screen.
SET TEMPERATURE PROGRAMS: Move the Set Slide switch to the TEMP PROG
position. Programming will start with Monday. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to
adjust the start time for the MORN period, then press the NEXT button to
advance. Use the UP/DOWN buttons to adjust the set temperature for the MORN
period, then press the NEXT button to advance. Now adjust the start time and
set temperature for the DAY period, pressing the NEXT button after each to
advance. Continue with these same steps to adjust the start times and set
temperatures for the EVE and NITE program periods.
When the NITE period is finished the thermostat will advance to Tuesday, with the
MORN period start time flashing. Perform the same steps that you used for
setting the Monday periods, pressing the NEXT button to advance through each
flashing value. Return the Set Slide switch to the RUN position when you are
PROGRAM COPY FEATURE: The Copy feature allows you to copy all of the
program information from any one single day, to any other day of the week. To
copy heat programs, the thermostat must be in Heat mode, and to copy cool
programs, the thermostat must be in Cool mode. Emergency Heat (heat pump
configurations only) uses the Heat temperature program. With the Set Slide
switch in the TEMP PROG position, press the COPY/EMER button one time. The
words “COPY PROG” will briefly appear on the screen and flash once, followed by
“FRM” and “TO”. Next to FRM, a day of the week will be flashing. Using the
UP/DOWN buttons, select the day that you want to copy from. Press the NEXT
button one time. Your “copy from” day should be on steady with the “copy to”
day flashing. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to select the day that you would like
to copy to. A single short press of the COPY/EMER button will perform the Copy,
and the flashing “copy to” day will have advanced to the next following day. You