Rotate the dial to HEAT PROGRAM. You will be
programming the heat periods for all seven days, one after
the other starting with Monday. The first period is MORN.
Using the UP and DOWN buttons, set the start time for this
period, and then push the NEXT button to proceed. Now set
the desired set temperature for the MORN period using the
UP and DOWN buttons, and push NEXT to proceed. Now set
the start time and set temperature for the DAY period,
pushing NEXT after each to advance. Continue with these
same steps to set the start time and set temperature for the
EVE, and NITE program periods.
When you are finished setting all four periods, you may
continue pushing the NEXT button through all four periods of
Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on. Once you have reached the
Sunday NITE period, you have completed all of the heat
programs. To review your entries, keep pressing the NEXT
button through the four periods of every day, or turn the dial
to RUN if you are finished.
Rotate the dial to COOL PROGRAM. You will be
programming the cool periods for all seven days, one after
the other starting with Monday. You will begin with the start
time of the MORN period, and use the same procedures that
were performed while setting the HEAT PROGRAM periods
described above, using the NEXT button to advance through
the values. Return the dial to the RUN position when you
are finished.
The Copy feature allows you to copy all of the program
information from any one single day, to any other day. With
the rotary dial in either HEAT PROGRAM or COOL
PROGRAM, press the COPY button once. The words “COPY”