CYCLE RATE - Cycle rate is the frequency that heating or cooling equipment is turned on during a
certain period of time.Cycle rate is often given in units of cycles per hour (CPH).
DEHUMIDIFY - The process of removing moisture from the air.
DEHUMIDIFIER - Device used to remove moisture from the air.
DIFFERENTIAL - Differential is defined as the difference between the cut-in and cut-out points as
measured at the thermostat under specified operating conditions. For example,if the thermostat
turns the heating equipment on at 70 degrees F and turns the heating equipment off at 74 degrees
F,then the differential is 4 degrees F.
HUMIDIFIER - A device used to add moisture to a space.
HUMIDISTAT - A control which is operates the humidifier and is affected by changing humidity.
HUMIDITY - Moisture in the air.
PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT - A thermostat with the capability of automatically adjusting tem-
perature set point to pre-selected settings at pre-selected times.
SETBACK - The automatic alteration of the thermostat control point(s) by means other than man-
ually changing the temperature set point.
SET POINT - The desired temperature setting on an electromechanical or electronic thermostat.