LXE Inc. reserves the right to make improvements or changes in the products described in this guide at any time without notice.
While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, LXE assumes no liability
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LXE Inc.
Copyright © 2006 by LXE Inc. An EMS Technologies Company.
125 Technology Parkway, Norcross, GA 30092 U.S.A. (770) 447-4224
LXE® is a registered trademark of LXE Inc. Sirit is a trademark of Sirit, Inc.
Intel® and Intel XScale are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and
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Microsoft®, ActiveSync®, MSN, Outlook®, Windows®, the Windows logo, and Windows Media are either registered
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RAM® and RAM Mount™ are both trademarks of National Products Inc., 1205 S. Orr Street, Seattle, WA 98108.
Odyssey® and Funk® are registered trademarks of Funk Software, Inc.
Summit Data Communications, Inc. Summit Data Communications, the Summit logo, and “The Pinnacle of Performance” are
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Li-Ion Battery
When disposing of the main battery, the following precautions should be observed:
The battery should be disposed of promptly. The battery should not be disassembled or crushed. The battery should not be heated
above 212°F (100°C) or incinerated.
Important: This symbol is placed on the product to remind users to dispose of Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) appropriately, per Directive 2002-96-EC. In most areas, this product can be recycled,
reclaimed and re-used when properly discarded. Do not discard labeled units with trash. For information about
proper disposal, contact LXE through your local sales representative, or visit www lxe com.