ONYX FireWire Card
ONYX FireWire Card
Owner’s Manual
Owner’s Manual
18. When the wizard indicates the installation is nished, click “Finish.”
Your new software is now installed and ready to use with any Windows XP ASIO
or WDM host application (i.e., Tracktion, Cubase, Sonar, Nuendo, Live, etc.).
19. To open the Onyx FireWire Control Panel, click "Start > Programs > Mackie
Onyx > Onyx Control Panel." The Onyx Control Panel indicates that a connec-
tion is established with the Onyx FireWire Card(s), and allows you to adjust
the sample rate and the latency setting.
If using one Onyx mixer with a FireWire card:
The FireWire card should now appear as an 18x2 audio device available for any
DAW application that you have installed on your computer. If you are using an Onyx
1220, the FireWire card still appears as an 18x2 audio device, even though it only
has 12 channels plus L/R mix. Inputs 13 through 16 are not used.