
Be sure the SWA1801 is plugged into an
out let that is able to sup ply the cor rect volt-
age spec i ed for your mod el. If the volt age
should drop below 97% of the spec i ed line
volt age, the built-in am pli ers will no long er
be able to sup ply rat ed pow er. (They will
con tin ue to op er ate down to 80% of the rat-
ed line volt age, but wont reach full pow er,
re sult ing in lower headroom.)
Be sure the elec tri cal ser vice can sup ply
enough am per age for all the com po nents
con nect ed to it.
We recommend that a stiff (robust)
sup ply of AC power be used be cause the
am pli ers place high current de mands on
the AC line. The more power that is avail-
able on the line, the louder the speakers
will play and the more peak out put power
will be avail able for clean er, punch i er bass.
A sus pect ed prob lem of poor bass per-
for mance is of ten caused by a weak AC
sup ply to the ampli ers.
Never remove the ground
pin on the power cord
of the SWA1801 or any
other com po nent. This is
very dangerous.
The SWA1801 has a pow er ful 900 watt
am pli er built-in. As am pli ers produce
heat, it is im por tant to dis si pate the heat as
quick ly as possible. This re sults in in creased
re li abil i ty and lon gev i ty for the am pli er.
The ampli er module is mounted on
a large heatsink, which is cooled by con-
vec tion where cool air is drawn through its
ns, car ry ing the heat away. In or der for
this con vec tion cooling to work ef cient ly,
it is important to pro vide ad e quate air space
be hind the loud speak er. When you position
the SWA1801, we rec om mend leav ing at
least six inch es of air space be hind it.
In the unlikely event of the ampli er
over heat ing, a built-in thermal switch will
activate, which mutes the signal. When the
am pli er has cooled down to a safe op er -
at ing tem per a ture, the ther mal switch re sets
it self, and the SWA1801 re sumes nor mal
op er a tion.
If the thermal switch activates fre quent ly,
try turning down the level con trol a notch
or two on the mix ing console (or oth er
sig nal source) or on the subwoofer it self to
avoid over heat ing the am pli ers.
If the temperature in the room is too
high, it could cause the am pli er to over-
heat. In this case, you should try aim ing
a fan at the rear panel to move more air
across the heatsink panel.
Warranty Service
Details concerning warranty service are
spelled out on page 11 of this manual.
If you think your subwoofer has a
prob lem, please do ev ery thing you can
to con rm it before call ing for service,
in clud ing reading through the fol low ing
Trou ble shoot ing sec tion. Do ing so might
save you from being deprived of your Mack-
ie loudspeaker.
Of all Mackie prod ucts returned for
ser vice (which is hardly any at all), many
are coded CND Could Not Dupli-
cate which usually means the problem lay
some where else in the sys tem. The follow-
ing trou ble shoot ing tips may sound obvious,
but here are some things you can check:
No power
Our favorite question: Is it plugged in?
Make sure the AC outlet is live (check
with a tester or lamp).
Our next favorite question: Is the
switch on? If not, try turning it on.
Is the
LED on the rear panel
glowing green? If not, make sure the AC
outlet is live. If so, re fer to No sound
The internal AC line fuse may be blown.
This is not a user serviceable part. If you
suspect the AC line fuse is blown, please
see the Repair section on page 9.