Digital X Bus
Hookup Diagrams
One of the primary applications for the X.200 is
multitrack recording. This involves tracking and
monitoring, bouncing, overdubbing, and mixdown.
A typical application might involve 24 inputs for
tracking and 24 outputs to a multitrack recorder or
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). In this case, you
might have three MIC/LINE 4 CARDS installed in
slots 1-3 (A•SLOTS) for 24 analog inputs, and three
DIGITAL CARDS installed in slots 4-6 (B•SLOTS)
for 24 digital outputs. By assigning the Output
Source for the 24 digital outputs to Channels 1-24,
you can record each input channel to an individual
track on the multitrack recorder.
The hookup diagrams in this section demonstrate
how the connections are made with the Digital X
Bus X.200 for tracking and mixdown, mixdown to
surround sound, and using a DAW.