With the Magic 10, chopping onions and mincing
garlic is effortless. No more tears, no more stinky
hands and no more knife and cutting board …
you are literally seconds away from chopped,
minced, even pureed onions and garlic.
First… prep the onions or garlic by removing any
skin and making sure the pieces will fit into the
Magic 10 cup.
Next… Place the whole onions, onion pieces, or
garlic into the Short Cup and twist on The Cross
Then… Give it several very quick Pulses.
Remember to apply a bit of counter-clockwise
pressure to the cup to keep it from locking on
(see the Pulse technique on page 9). With the
other hand, give it a quick tap and release as
soon as you hear the motor start. For coarser
onion or garlic chunks, Pulse only a few times.
For a minced consistency, Pulse five or six times.
And for a smooth puree, just keep Pulsing, or
Lock On (see page 9) until you’ve achieved a
smooth, thin consistency.
When chopping onions and garlic, you may find
the Tap Technique (page 9) helpful.
The Magic 10 is perfect for creating delicious,
satisfying, frosty smoothies and protein drinks.
The best part is that you blend your ingerdients
and drink your smoothie out of the very same dis-
hwasher-friendly cup … no mess! Plus, the power
of the Magic 10 pulverizes ice in a way few blen-
ders ever will.
First… Add your favorite smoothie ingredients
and ice into the Tall Cup, or Party Mug, and twist
on the Cross Blade.
Then… Place the cup onto the Power Base,
push down on the cup and twist clockwise until
the tabs of the cup fit under the lip of the Power
Base and the motor is running consistently (Lock
On mode).
Keep blending… until you achieve a smooth
consistency. The thickness of the drink will
depend on the ingredients you use. You’ll usually
be able to hear when it’s done. When all the ice
is crushed, the grinding sound will stop and you’ll
hear a nice even whirring sound.
If your smoothie is so thick that the ice or fruit is
having a hard time reaching the blade, add more
liquid and continue blending.
Experiment with different smoothie ingre-
dients. Smoothies are all about throwing whate-
ver fruits, juices, yogurts, or wathever you have
around the house, into a cup and giving it a whirl.
Nu kunt u elke dag van de week thuis vers
geperst vruchtensap maken, zonder toevoe-
ging van suiker die men terugvindt in al dat
fruitsap dat men in de winkel koopt en zonder
alle ophef die gepaard gaat met de klassieke
vruchtenpersen. In de
Magic 10 vruchtenpers
is het een kleintje om lekkere, voedingrijke
vruchtensappen te persen van sinaasappels,
ananas .... U kunt er ook in een oogwenk ener-
gierijke cocktails mee maken.
Draai eerst het gekruiste mesblad op de
onderkant van de blender.
Plaats … dan de centrifuge in het midden van
de blender en zorg ervoor dat de drie inkepin-
gen zich in lijn bevinden met de drie ribben
aan de binnenkant van de blender.
Breng vervolgens het deksel op de blender
aan en breng ofwel de afgiettuit of de norma-
le giettuit in lijn met de tuit. Controleer of het
deksel vergrendeld is, want dit houdt de cen-
trifuge op zijn plaats.
En … plaats dan de blender op het blok van
Magic 10.