Electrical Specifications
AC Electrical Specifications
Copyright © 2008 Marvell Doc. No. MV-S104859-U0 Rev. E
December 2, 2008, Preliminary Document Classification: Proprietary Information Page 105
8.6.9 Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format (S/PDIF) AC
Timing S/PDIF AC Timing Table
Table 57: S/PDIF AC Timing Table
Description Symbol Min Max Units Notes
Output frequency accuracy Ftxtol -50.0 50.0 ppm 1
Input frequency accuracy Frxtol -100.0 100.0 ppm -
Output jitter - total peak-to-peak Txjit - 0.05 UI 1, 2
Jitter transfer gain Txjitgain - 3.0 dB 3
- 10.0 UI 4
-0.25UI 5
Note s:
General comment: All values were measured from VIL(max) to VIH(min), unless otherw ise specified.
General comment: For more information, refer to the Digital Audio Interface - Part 3: Consumer Applications,
IEC 60958-3:2003(E), Chapter 7.3, January 2003.
1. For all signals, the load is CL = 10 pF.
2. Using inristic jitter filter.
3. Refer to Figure-8 in IEC 60958-3:2003(E), Chapter 7.3, January 2003.
4. Defined for up to 5 Hz.
5. Defined from 200 Hz to 400 kHz.
6. Defined for above 400 kHz.
Input jitter - total peak-to-peak Rxjit
For additional information about working with a coax connection, see the 88F6180,
88F6190, 88F6192, and 88F6281 Design Guide.