&Q_ &Q0 Direct data link only (same as \N1)
&Q5 V.42 data link with fallback options
&Q6 Normal data link only (same as \N0)
\A_ \A0 64-character maximum MNP block size
\A1 128-character maximum MNP block
\A2 192-character maximum MNP block size
\A3 256-character maximum MNP block size
\Bn Send a 1/10 second line break to the modem,
where n = 1 to 9. At normal connect, the default
is 3
\Kn Set break control, where n= 0 to 2. The effect of
this command depends on the modem’s
operating condition. Default is 1.
\N_ \N0 Normal data-link only
\N1 Direct data-link only
\N2 V.42 or MNP data link only
\N3 V.42/MNP/Normal data link
\N4 V.42 data link only
\N5 MNP data link only
3.6 Fax Class 1 Commands
+FAE=n Data/Fax Auto Answer
+FCLASS=n Service Class
+FRH=n Receive data with HDLC framing
+FRM=n Receive data
+FRS=n Receive silence
+FTH=n Transmit data with HDLC framing
+FTM=n Transmit data
+FTS=n Stop transmission and wait
Section Four - S Registers
Your modem has 41 registers, designated S0
through S95. Table 4-1 shows the registers, their
functions, and their default values. Some registers can
have their values changed by commands. If you use a
command to change a register value, the command
remains in effect until you turn off or reset your modem.
Your modem then reverts to the operating character-
istics specified in its non-volatile memory. Refer to
Section 3 for information on how to use the AT com-
mands to manipulate the S registers.