The message shown in the picture in the centre
column appears for all programme positions on
which NEXTVIEW information is received.
Your TV set displays this message in order to ask
whether this programme position is to be used for
collecting the NEXTVIEW data.
If not, press the red key for „No“. The message conti-
nues to be displayed on all programme positions whe-
re NEXTVIEW information is received.
If you want to use this station, press the green key for
„Yes“. This programme position is used as the NEXT-
VIEW programme position and the message is no lon-
ger displayed.
If you already know which programme position you
want to use for NEXTVIEW, you can enter its number
with the numeric keys.
Existing programme position numbers can be over-
written or can be deleted with the C key.
• On a TV set with only one receiver:
Select the NEXTVIEW programme position.
After this, do not switch to another station for 20 minutes!
• On a TV set with two receivers:
The TV set attempts to collect the NEXTVIEW data with the
second receiver.
The collection operation is interrupted or aborted if:
- you switch from a terrestrial programme position to a SAT positi-
on or vice versa;
- you call the PIP function;
- you call Megatext;
- a recording is programmed in the menu „AV recording“;
- a „timer“ recording is running or is due to start within the next
- the Megatext function „Subtitles“ and/or „News flash pages“ is
Special notes:
Stations which are shown in the TV station table with an automatic
logo (set automatically by the television) are also included in the
programme magazine. Stations which transmit two different pro-
grammes at different times of the day must be stored in two pro-
gramme positions.
Stations whose logo has been set manually do not appear in the TV
station table. Stations whose logo has been modified (e.g. blanks
before the logo) manually are not updated after modification of the
This permits you to exclude stations from which you do not wish to
receive the data.
To include such a station in the programme magazine again, carry
out the procedure „Direct channel entry“ (see Section 3) for this
station. This causes an automatic logo to appear in the station
table and the data for this station will be included in the program-
me magazine the next time it is updated.
18. Collecting NEXTVIEW data
3a. Define the NEXTVIEW pro-
gramme position
(station not yet known)
3b. Define NEXTVIEW program-
me position
(station already known)