
Enter the temperature and press ENTER.
The instrument will display the separation
distance before displaying flow. Follow the
instructions on the screen and the unit will
read flow.
Main Menu – Sensor set
When the application information is
programmed into the instrument it
calculates the optimum separation
distance for the transducers in reflex
mode, double bounce reflex or triple
bounce reflex.
Sensor Mode
All methods displayed are reflex mode, but
on smaller pipes the unit will calculate the
separation distance in Double or Triple
Bounce Reflex. Should the actual flow be
higher than the one specified on the
instrument, another mode of operation can
be selected, but is very unlikely.
Read Flow
Moving the cursor to Read flow and
pressing ENTER informs the user of the
mode of operation and the maximum flow
capable. Selecting EXIT will take you back
Main Menu – Data Logger
Not available on this model.
Main Menu – Setup RS232
Not available on this model.
Main Menu – Set up instrument
Set up Instrument - Calibrate 4-
(Note: A meter is required to
measure the output.)
The 4-20mA Output is calibrated before it
leaves the factory and also allows the user
to adjust the calibration to match a specific
display. The DAC value is a number
between 0 and 40,000 and is a number
internal to the Portaflow that will change
when calibrating the 4-20mA.
The first stage is to adjust the output
current to 4mA. When connected to any
device that accepts 4-20mA, it may require
adjustment to exactly 4mA or 20mA and
this is possible by using the scroll keys or
keys 5 and 6. The scroll keys move the
DAC value in larger steps of 25 and keys 5
& 6 move the value one at a time.
The DAC value will be approximately 8000
for 4mA and 40000 for 20mA. By watching
the actual current value displayed on the
meter, it is possible to scroll up and down
or use keys 5 and 6 to calibrate the 4-
20mA to the exact value.
When the 4mA is adjusted press ENTER.
Now adjust the 20mA in the same way.
Press ENTER when complete and the
display will return to the SETUP
Instrument menu. If the 4-20mA is not
connected then the instrument will still
display the DAC number but display Error
instead of OK.
yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Adjust to 4mA
Use UP/DOWN to set,
5/6 to trim
DAC value: 8590
Press ENTER when done
Set up instrument - Display
Use the scroll key to select backlight and
press ENTER. This allows the user to
enable or disable the backlight. Enable,
means the backlight will stay on for 15secs
with every key press. It will stay on
permanently with the mains plugged in.
Use the scroll key to select and press
ENTER. The backlight will draw power
from the batteries and reduce the
operating life of the battery cell. (follow
the application note at the back of the
Set up instrument - Application
Contact Micronics.
Set up instrument - Sensor
Micronics use only.
Set up instrument - Factory Settings
Micronics use only.
Set up instrument - Exit
Means EXIT and will take you back to the
Main Menu.
Main Menu - Read Flow
When choosing the Read flow option from
the MAIN MENU the instrument defaults
directly to the data that was last entered.
The instrument will have to be
reprogrammed if it is to be used on a new