
4 Age of Empires Expansion
Chapter 2
Age of Empires Expansion includes five new units and the ability to queue the production of units. For
costs and other attributes, see the Unit Attributes table in the Appendix. For information about which
civilizations can build the units, see the technology trees in the Appendix.
Queuing units
You can now queue the production of units. You cannot queue technology research.
To add units to a queue
Click the building, and then click the button of the unit you want to build. For example, to train
three Axemen, click the Barracks, and then click the Train Axeman button three times.
The number of units in the queue is displayed on the unit button, and the cost of each unit is
deducted from your resources immediately. You must have the resources to build a unit before you
can add it to the queue.
To delete units from a queue
Right-click the unit button. For example, to remove one Axeman from the queue, right-click the
Train Axeman button once. To remove all units from the queue, click the Stop button.
If a building is queuing units, you cannot build other types of units there. For example, if you queue
three Axemen at the Barracks, you cannot build other units there until all three Axemen are built (or you
stop the queue). The population indicator (F11) flashes if you reach the population limit or do not have
enough housing to build the next unit in the queue.
If your building is destroyed or converted while producing queued units, the resources for the units in
the queue are returned to your stockpile (except for the unit currently in production).
Armored Elephant
Age: Iron
Train at: Stable
Prerequisite: Iron Shield
Upgrade cost: 1000 food, 1200 gold
Special: Increased attack vs. walls and towers; +1 armor against
missile weapons, Ballista, Helepolis; trample damage to adjacent
enemy units; attack strength cannot be upgraded.
The Armored Elephant is an upgrade of the War Elephant. The
Armored Elephant has Siegecraft, more attack strength, armor,
and piercing armor.
Leather Armor, Scale Armor, and Chain Mail increase armor.