Using the utility software
8-42 Pi4700e
Network Interface Card Chapter 8
Disabling this option also disables the Primary File Server field.
Primary File Server
Specifies the NetWare file server used by the Network Card as the pri-
mary file server. When no primary file server is selected yet or when
the selected server cannot be used for some reason, the first file serv-
er on the list is selected automatically.
Print Server Settings
Use the settings on this dialog box to configure a print server printer. This
information is normally input using the NetWare
or the
can also be used to make Network Card printer
settings, even though it does not include the above NetWare utilities. The
following explains each of the settings.
Enable Printer
Enables and disables a Network Card and printer support.
Checking this box enables the printer.
Unchecking this box disables the printer and causes all other fields on
this dialog box to appear dimmed.
Printer Name Queues Serviced by Printer
Shows the printer name. You cannot change the content of this field.
It lists all the queues serviced by the printer.
A bindery connection queue is shown using the syntax: bindery server
name: queue name.
An NDS connected queue entry includes the distinguished name.
When the printer services a queue named
on a bindery
server named
, this list shows the entry
When the printer services a queue named
on an NDS
server with the distinguishing name
, this list
shows the entry
User/Groups Notified by Printer
This field lists all of the users and user groups to which notification is
sent when a printer error is detected.
A bindery connected user or user group is shown using the syntax:
bindery server name:user/group name.
An NDS connected user or user group entry includes the distinguished