Adding a removable-media drive
The 5.25" drive bay can contain any half height 5.25" device. A
range of removable-media drives are available for this bay.
Configuring the drive
Drives purchased from an authorized supplier should arrive pre-
configured and ready for installation. The following table provides
some general advice. See the documentation provided with the
upgrade kit for more information.
Drive type Configuration instructions
5.25" floppy disk
or FTD Travan tape
The only configuration required is to set the
drive select jumpers at the rear of the drive.
The jumpers should be pre-configured to
either Soft Select or Drive Select 1 (DS1).
The ATA-PI CD-ROM drive should be
configured as the master drive for connection
to the motherboard’s ATA-PI CD-ROM
SCSI QIC tape or
DDS-2 tape drive
Every SCSI drive must be assigned an identity
on the SCSI bus, known as its SCSI ID. All
removable-media SCSI drives should be pre-
configured with SCSI ID 2, and fitted with
termination resistors.
Installing the drive
To install a removable-media drive:
1. Turn off the system unit and unplug all power cords.
2. Take suitable anti-static precautions and remove the system
unit cover.
If you are unfamiliar with the recommended anti-static
precautions or the process of removing the system unit cover,
refer to Appendix A, “Inside the System Unit”.