6 - 6
6.2 Transmission Delay Time
6.2.1 Transmission delay time
* 1 Can be checked by the ladder monitor of GX Developer or the monitor of the special registers
(D9017 to D9019).
* 2 Can be checked by the link monitor of GX Developer or the monitor of the master station's special
registers (for link) (D9207 to D9209) when the data link is established.
In this section, transmission delay time in the two-tier system is explained.
For transmission delay time in the three-tier system, the elements shown below
must be added.
For details on transmission delay time in the three-tier system, refer to the
following manual.
Type MELSECNET, MELSECNET/B Data Link System Reference Manual
• Delay time in transmission from master or local station in second tier to
master station for third tier
• Delay time in transmission from master for third tier to local station in third
• Time taken for sending data received from second tier to third tier
Table 6.4 Maximum transmission delay time for M LS L
Master station
Local station
Link relay (B)
Link register (W)
Output (Y)
M + 1 + LS + L 3 + 2 2 [ms]
LRDP/LWTP instruction
(M + 1) 3 + LS 3 + (L + 2) 3 [ms]
Local station
Master station
Link relay (B)
Link register (W)
Output (Y)
M 3 + 1 2 + LS 2 + L + 2 [ms]
Local station
Local station
Link relay (B)
Link register (W)
M + 1 + LS + L1 + 2 + L2 3 + 2' 2 [ms]
M: Sequence program scan time of master station
L: Sequence program scan time of local station
LS: Data transmission time
1: Link refresh time of master station
2: Link refresh time of local station
2': Link refresh time of local station (receiving side)