
9. Machine Error Compensation
9.2 Setting Compensation Data
(2) Incremental system
The following figure (left) contains a machine position that is placed in the positive direction with
respect to the reference point. Assume that feed from division n–1 to n (division interval) is
executed. In this case‚ the following value is defined as the compensation amount:
(Division interval – Actual movement distance) × 2 (Unit of output)
The following figure (right) contains a machine position that is placed in the negative direction with
respect to the reference point. Assume that feed from division point n+1 to n by the division interval
is executed. In this case‚ the following value is defined as the compensation amount:
(Division interval + Actual movement distance) × 2 (Unit of output)
n: Division point compensation number
1: Division interval
(Note) The unit of output is used as the unit of setting. The actual unit of compensation pulses depends
on the com
ensation scale factor.
Unit : Unit of outpu
Range : –128 to 127