(4) To e-mail an error when an error occurs on general
equipment connected to PLC for general equipment,
click the PLC Connection button, which appears at
the time of selection of "General Equipment", to set
the IP address of PLC for general equipment.
The row number of the set IP address will be in an
error mail as a PLC number. (Eg. When an error
occurs on the No.20 PLC for general equipment that
is in the second row, "PLC2-20" will be displayed on
the error source
Note: TG-2000A is necessary to monitor the status of general equipment.
5-1-4 Setting the Addresses of the Recipient
To monitor and operate the unit with the maintenance tool via
mail from a remote location, enter the mail address of the
receiver in the [Mail Communication Setting].
A maximum of 10 addresses can be registered.
E-mail communication is possible only with the recipients
whose addresses are registered on this screen.
5-1-5 Mail format
Error mails are sent in the format shown below.
Item Format Remarks
Mail title Set title Refer to 5-1-3 (1) for the setting of mail title.
From G-50A unit name and unit ID
Refer to 4-2-1 for the setting of G-50A unit name
and unit ID.
Date dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Date of error (Date, month, and year are
displayed in order.)
Error unit
When an error occurs on air conditioners
- M-NET address of the error source
When an error occurs on general equipment
- PLC number (1 to 20) + connection number of
general equipment (1 to 32)
When a communication error occurs on PLC for
general equipment
- PLC number (1 to 20)
PLC number indicates the row number on the
setting screen shown in 5-1-3 (4).
Error code 4-digit error
When an error occurs on air conditioners
Refer to the service manual for each unit.
When an error occurs on general equipment
0091:General equipment error
When a communication error occurs on PLC for
general equipment
0003:LAN communication error to PLC
0007:PLC stop
Occurrence" or "Recovery"
Error status
From:3-2F Area1(000001)
Date:11/09/2005 16:32:12
Error unit:PLC1-3
Error code:0091