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4.2.2 Status display of interface unit
MELSERVO-J2M status during operation is shown on the 5-digit, 7-segment LED display. Press the "UP"
or "DOWN" button to change display data as desired. When the required data is selected, the
corresponding symbol appears. Press the "SET" button to display its data.
(1) Display examples
The following table lists display examples:
Displayed data
Item Status
Interface unit display
Regenerative load ratio 60%
Bus voltage 270V
Peak bus voltage 350V
(2) Interface unit status display list
The following table indicates the MELSERVO-J2M statuses that can be shown. After it has been
selected, each status display changes to a symbol display. Press the "SET" button to show the
definition of the status display. Refer to Appendix 1 for the measurement point.
Pressing the "MODE" button during a status definition display returns to a symbol display.
Name Symbol Unit Description
Regenerative load
F.L %
The ratio of regenerative power to permissible regenerative power is
displayed in %.
0 to 100
Bus voltage F.Pn V The voltage (across P-N) of the main circuit converter is displayed. 0 to 450
Peak bus voltage F.PnP V
Shows the maximum voltage of the main circuit converter (across P-N).
The maximum value during past 15s is displayed.
0 to 450