16 - 18
Code No. Item/Function
Reading data (RWrn
3) contents
(Servo amplifier
Programmable controller)
0081h Energization time
Reads the energization time from shipment.
Returns the energization time [h].
Energization time
0082h Power ON frequency
Reads the number of power-on times from
Returns the number of power-on times.
Power ON frequency
00A0h Ratio of load inertia moment
Reads the estimated ratio of load inertia
moment to servo motor shaft inertia moment.
Return unit [times].
Ratio of load inertia moment
00B0h Home position within-1-revolution position
lower 16bit (CYC0)
Reads the lower 16 bits of the cycle counter
value of the absolute home position.
Return unit [pulses].
Cycle counter value
00B1h Home position within-1-revolution position
upper 16bit
Reads the upper 16 bits of the cycle counter
value of the absolute home position.
Return unit [pulses].
Cycle counter value
00B2h Home position Multi-revolution data (ABS0)
Multi-revolution counter value of absolute
home position reading.
Return unit [rev].
Multi-revolution counter value
00C0h Error parameter No./Point data No. reading
Reads the parameter No./point table No. in
Parameter No. or point table No.
Parameter group
0: Basic setting parameters (No.PA )
1: Gain/filter parameters (No.PB )
2: Extension setting parameters (No.PC )
3: I/O setting parameters (No.PD )
1: Parameter No.
2: Point table No.
Monitor multiplying factor
Reads the multiplying factor of the data to be
read with the monitor code.
The instruction codes 0100 to 011D
correspond to the monitor codes 0000 to
0000 applies to the instruction code that does
not correspond to the monitor code.
Monitor multiplying factor
0003: 1000
0002: 100
0001: 10
0000: 1