
14 - 10
14.4 Command and data No. list
If the command and data No. are the same, the description may be different
depending on models of servo amplifiers.
14.4.1 Read commands
(1) Status display (Command [0][1])
Command Data No. Description Display Item Frame Length
[0][1] 00 Status display name and unit Current position 16
01 Command position
02 Command remaining distance
03 Point table No.
04 Cumulative feedback pulses
05 Servo motor speed
06 Droop pulses
07 Override voltage
08 Override
09 Analog torque limit voltage
0A Regenerative load ratio
0B Effective load ratio
0C Peak load ratio
0D Instantaneous torque
0E Within one-revolution position
0F ABS counter
10 Load inertia moment ratio
11 Bus voltage
80 Status display data value and
processing information
Current position 12
81 Command position
82 Command remaining distance
83 Point table No.
84 Cumulative feedback pulses
85 Servo motor speed
86 Droop pulses
87 Override voltage
88 Override
89 Analog torque limit voltage
8A Regenerative load ratio
8B Effective load ratio
8C Peak load ratio
8D Instantaneous torque
8E Within one-revolution position
8F ABS counter
90 Load inertia moment ratio
91 Bus voltage