(3) Turn on the power of this device.
Verify that the LED16 (CPU power on) and LED17 (M-NET power on) are lit.
(4) Set the time.
Set the current time from a system controller (G(B)-50A, TG-2000A) or a Maintenance Tool.
(5) Configure the settings of the system controller (G(B)-50A or TG-2000A).
Configure settings for the system controller (G(B)-50A or TG-2000A) such as the type of sensor to use and the measurement
The main items that should be set are shown below.
(a) When using Pt100 detection (only channel 1 can be used)
(b) When using an analog input (4 to 20 mADC detection, 1 to 5 VDC detection, or 0 to 10VDC detection)
(c) When using upper/lower limit alarm interlock output
(6) Settings for the interlock function are performed from the Maintenance Tool.
Perform settings such as interlock criteria for this device from Maintenance Tool.
For details, refer to the operating manual for the Maintenance Tool.
Ch Setting Setting with G(B)-50A or TG-2000A
Measurement category setting
Select temperature/humidity (Be sure to select
Measurement range setting
Set the upper limit and lower limit values
(Set a range from -30°C [-22°F] to 60°C [140°F].)
Measurement correction
Input the measurement temperature correction value
(offset value)
Ch Setting Setting with G(B)-50A or TG-2000A
Measurement category setting Select the temperature/humidity
Measurement range setting Set the upper limit and lower limit values
Measurement correction Input the measurement correction value (offset value)
Measurement category setting Select the temperature/humidity
Measurement range setting Set the upper limit and lower limit values
Measurement correction Input the measurement correction value (offset value)
Ch Setting Setting with G(B)-50A or TG-2000A
Upper/lower limit alarm detection value and
cancellation value settings
Upper/lower limit alarm detection value and cancellation
value settings
Upper/lower limit alarm detection value and
cancellation value settings
Upper/lower limit alarm detection value and cancellation
value settings