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(16) Speed change "0" accepting flag (M2240 to M2271)
....………. Status signal
This flag turns on while a speed change request to speed "0" or negative
speed change is being accepted.
It turns on when the speed change request to speed "0" or negative speed
change is accepted during a start. After that, this signal turns off when a speed
change is accepted or on completion of a stop due to a stop cause.
Start accept flag
Speed change "0"
accepting flag
complete signal
Speed change "0"
Speed change V
Deceleration stop at the speed change
"0" accept.
Thereafter, by changing speed to
except "0", it starts continuously.
The speed change "0" accepting flag list is shown below.
Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No. Axis No. Device No.
1 M2240 9 M2248 17 M2256 25 M2264
2 M2241 10 M2249 18 M2257 26 M2265
3 M2242 11 M2250 19 M2258 27 M2266
4 M2243 12 M2251 20 M2259 28 M2267
5 M2244 13 M2252 21 M2260 29 M2268
6 M2245 14 M2253 22 M2261 30 M2269
7 M2246 15 M2254 23 M2262 31 M2270
8 M2247 16 M2255 24 M2263 32 M2271
(Note): The range of axis No.1 to 8 is valid in the Q172HCPU.
(1) Even if it has stopped, when the start accept flag (M2001 to M2032) is ON state,
the state where the request of speed change "0" is accepted is indicated.
Confirm by this speed change "0" accepting flag.
(2) During interpolation, the flags corresponding to the interpolation axes are set.
(3) In any of the following cases, the speed change "0" request is invalid.
• After deceleration by the JOG signal off
• During manual pulse generator operation
• After positioning automatic deceleration start
• After deceleration due to stop cause
(4) During the SV22 virtual mode, the flag is that of the virtual servomotor axis.