15 - 4
(3) Servo amplifier detection warnings
These are warning that occur at the hardware error such as servo amplifier
and servomotor or the inapplicable servo parameters.
Error or normality operation can't be executed by waning when warning is left
as it is though servo off isn't executed.
If you remove a warning factor, reset the servo amplifier.
(4) Types of warning codes
Warning code Classification of warnings
001 to 199 Common warnings
300 to 399 JOG operation warnings
400 to 499 Manual pulse generator operation warnings
500 to 599 Positioning operation warnings
900 to 999 System control data setting range check warnings
2090 to 2999
Servo amplifier warnings
(The contents of a vary in the model of servo amplifier.)
Warning storage
(1) When an axis warning occurs, the warning code corresponding to the warning
details is stored in the following buffer memory (
Axis warning No.) for
axis warning No. storage.
Axis No. Buffer memory address
1 807
2 907
3 1007
4 1107
(2) When an axis warning occurs in a positioning operation, etc., "1" is set in bit 9
(b9) of the following buffer memory (
Status) for axis status storage.
Axis No. Buffer memory address
1 817
2 917
3 1017
4 1117
[3] Resetting errors and warnings
An error or warning state is canceled after the following processing has been
carried out by setting a "1" in the address [1502 (for axis 1)], [1602 (for axis 2)],
[1702 (for axis 3)], and [1802 (for axis 4)] of the buffer memory for axis error
resetting (
Axis error reset).
Axis error detection signal turned OFF
Axis error No." cleared
Axis warning No." cleared
Changing of "
operation status" from "Error" to "Standby".
Axis warning detection (b9)" turned OFF