7.12.25 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Single precision)
(LOG10(P))....................................................................................................... 7 - 300
7.12.26 Common logarithm operation on floating-point data (Double precision)
(LOG10D(P)) .................................................................................................... 7 - 302
7.12.27 Random number generation and series updates (RND(P),SRND(P)) ..................... 7 - 304
7.12.28 BCD 4-digit and 8-digit square roots (BSQR(P),BDSQR(P)) ................................... 7 - 306
7.12.29 BCD type SIN operation (BSIN(P))........................................................................... 7 - 309
7.12.30 BCD type COS operations (BCOS(P)) ..................................................................... 7 - 311
7.12.31 BCD type TAN operation (BTAN(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 313
7.12.32 BCD type SIN
operations (BASIN(P))................................................................... 7 - 315
7.12.33 BCD type COS
operation (BACOS(P)) ................................................................. 7 - 317
7.12.34 BCD type TAN
operations (BATAN(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 319
7.13 Data Control Instructions 7 - 321
7.13.1 Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data
(LIMIT(P),DLIMIT(P)) ....................................................................................... 7 - 321
7.13.2 BIN 16-bit and 32-bit dead band controls (BAND(P),DBAND(P)) ............................ 7 - 324
7.13.3 Zone control for BIN 16-bit and BIN 32-bit data (ZONE(P),DZONE(P))................... 7 - 327
7.13.4 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL(P),DSCL(P)).................................... 7 - 330
7.13.5 Scaling (Point-by-point coordinate data) (SCL2(P),DSCL2(P))................................ 7 - 334
7.14 File register switching instructions 7 - 337
7.14.1 Switching file register numbers (RSET(P))............................................................... 7 - 337
7.14.2 Setting files for file register use (QDRSET(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 339
7.14.3 File setting for comments (QCDSET(P)) .................................................................. 7 - 342
7.15 Clock instructions 7 - 344
7.15.1 Reading clock data (DATERD(P)) ............................................................................ 7 - 344
7.15.2 Writing clock data (DATEWR(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 346
7.15.3 Clock data addition operation (DATE+(P)) ............................................................... 7 - 348
7.15.4 Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-(P)) ........................................................... 7 - 350
7.15.5 Time data conversion (from Hour/Minute/Second to Second) (SECOND(P)) .......... 7 - 352
7.15.6 Time data conversion (from Second to Hour/Minute/Second ) (HOUR(P)).............. 7 - 354
7.15.7 Date comparison (DT=,DT<>,DT>,DT<=,DT<,DT>=) .............................................. 7 - 356
7.15.8 Clock comparison (TM=,TM<>,TM>,TM<=,TM<,TM>=).......................................... 7 - 361
7.16 Expansion Clock Instructions 7 - 366
7.16.1 Reading expansion clock data (S(P).DATERD) ....................................................... 7 - 366
7.16.2 Expansion clock data addition operation (S(P).DATE+)........................................... 7 - 369
7.16.3 Expansion clock data subtraction operation (S(P).DATE-)....................................... 7 - 372
7.17 Program control instructions 7 - 375
7.17.1 Program standby instruction (PSTOP(P)) ................................................................ 7 - 377
7.17.2 Program output OFF standby instruction (POFF(P))................................................ 7 - 378
7.17.3 Program scan execution registration instruction (PSCAN(P)) .................................. 7 - 380
7.17.4 Program low speed execution registration instruction (PLOW(P)) ........................... 7 - 382
7.17.5 Program execution status check instruction (PCHK)................................................ 7 - 384
7.18 Other instructions 7 - 386
7.18.1 Resetting watchdog timer (WDT(P))......................................................................... 7 - 386
7.18.2 Timing pulse generation (DUTY) .............................................................................. 7 - 388
7.18.3 Time check instruction (TIMCHK)............................................................................. 7 - 390
7.18.4 Direct 1-byte read from file register (ZRRDB(P))...................................................... 7 - 391