
8 - 4
Item Description
Indicates the No. of the positioning data.
The positioning data that can be ranges from No. 1 to 600.
However, No. 1 to 100 are displayed in the initial setting.
To change the display range, use the option function (refer to Section 11.5).
Choose the operation pattern for positioning control.
The selection range is 0 to 2.
0: END (End command) 2: LOCUS (continue locus positioning control)
1: CONT (continue positioning control)
CTRL method
Choose the operation positioning control method from among 1 to 9 and A to Z.
1: ABS line 1 (Axis #1 Line interpolation (ABS))
2: INC line 1 (Axis #1 Line interpolation (INC))
3: Feed 1 (Axis #1 Fixed distance feed control)
4: FWD velocity 1 (Axis #1 Velocity control (Forward))
5: RVS velocity 1 (Axis #1 Velocity control (Reverse))
6: FWD V/P (Velocity/Positioning change control (Forward))
7: RVS V/P (Velocity/Positioning change control (Reverse))
8: FWD P/V (Positioning/Velocity change control (Forward))
9: RVS P/V (Positioning/Velocity change control (Reverse))
A: ABS line 2 (Axis #2 Line interpolation (ABS))
B: INC line 2 (Axis #2 Line interpolation (INC))
C: Feed 2 (Axis #2 Fixed distance feed control)
D: ABS ArcMP (Sub point setting arc interpolation control (ABS))
E: INC ArcMP (Sub point setting arc interpolation control (INC))
F: ABS ArcRGT (Center point setting arc interpolation control (ABS/CW))
G: ABS ArcLFT (Center point setting arc interpolation control (ABS/CCW))
H: INC ArcRGT (Center point setting arc interpolation control (INC/CW))
I: INC ArcLFT (Center point setting arc interpolation control (INC/CCW))
J: FWD velocity 2 (Axis #2 Velocity control (Forward))
K: RVS velocity 2 (Axis #2 Velocity control (Reverse))
L: ABS line 3 (Axis #3 Line interpolation (ABS))
M: INC line 3 (Axis #3 Line interpolation (INC))
N: Feed 3 (Axis #3 Fixed distance feed control)
O: FWD velocity 3 (Axis #3 Velocity control (Forward))
P: RVS velocity 3 (Axis #3 Velocity control (Reverse))
Q: ABS line 4 (Axis #4 Line interpolation (ABS))
R: INC line 4 (Axis #4 Line interpolation (INC))
S: Feed 4 (Axis #4 Fixed distance feed control)
T: FWD velocity 4 (Axis #4 Velocity control (Forward))
U: RVS velocity 4 (Axis #4 Velocity control (Reverse))
V: NOP (NOP command)
W: Address CHG (Address change)
X: JUMP (JUMP command)
Y: LOOP (Start loop point)
Z: LEND (End loop point)