APP - 19 APP - 19
Appendix 2.6 Checking whether access can be made to Web server properly or not
When a check is to be made via the Internet, the personal computer where the Web
server has been installed must be connected to the Internet.
After confirming that the Web server is connected to the Internet/intranet, boot the Web
browser (Internet Explorer) on the Web client side personal computer, enter the URL
as indicated below, and make sure that the Web page is displayed properly.
(URL input example)
Alias set in Appendix 2.5
IP address of Web server
NetTest.asp is the Web server operation checking test page offered by MX Component.
Make sure that the system date and system time of the server are displayed on the
Web browser.
(1) If access to NetTest.asp cannot be made properly, access cannot be made to
the Web pages using MX Component, either.
In such a case, reconfirm the Web server settings and Web client browser
If the settings are correct, the Web pages may not be displayed because
communication cannot be made properly due to dense traffic or like of the
communication line.
In this case, check the status of the communication line.
(2) NetTest.asp is stored in the following folder.
[user-specified folder]-[Act]-[Sample]-[VBScript]-[SampleASP]