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This manual uses the abbreviations and generic terms listed in the following table to
explain a software package and module such as programmable controller CPU.
In addition, the following table lists the module model according to need.
Abbreviation/generic term Description/target module
GX Developer
Generic product name of the product types SW8D5C-GPPW-E, SW8D5C-GPPW-EA,
GX Works2
General product name forSWnDNC-GXW2-E, SWnDNC-GXW2-EA ("n" denotes the
version number.)
This station is not compliant with safety system.
Safety programmable
Generic term for QS034B safety main base unit, QS061P-A1, QS061P-A2 safety power
supply module, safety CPU module, CC-Link Safety master module, CC-Link Safety
remote I/O module, and QS071GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local module.
Safety system System which executes the required safety functions
Safety function block
Safety-approved function block which represents safety control logic such as emergency
stop and two-hand switch control in function block
Safety project Project for a safety programmable controller created with GX Developer
Safety remote I/O station
Remote station which treats only bitwise information
This station is compliant with the safety system.
Safety CPU
Abbreviation for a safety CPU module (QS001CPU type safety CPU module)
Standard remote I/O
Remote station which treats only bitwise information
This station is not compliant with safety system.
Remote I/O station Generic term for safety remote I/O station and standard remote I/O station
CC-Link Safety
Safety-approved CC-Link network compliant with safety standards
This network is configured with CC-Link Safety master module and CC-Link Safety
remote I/O module.
CC-Link Safety master
Abbreviation for the QS0J61BT12 CC-Link Safety master module.
CC-Link Safety remote I/O
Generic term for QS0J65BTS2-8D, QS0J65BTS2-4T, and QS0J65BTB2-12DT CC-Link
Safety remote I/O module.
CC-Link IE Field Network
master/local module (with
safety functions)
Abbreviation for the QS071GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local module.
CC-Link IE Field Network
master/local module
Abbreviation for the QJ71GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local module.
CC-Link IE Field Network
Abbreviation for Q81BD-J71GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network interface board.
Head module Abbreviation for the LJ72GF15-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network head module.
Ethernet adapter module Abbreviation for the NZ2GF-ETB CC-Link IE Field Network Ethernet adapter module.
FB Abbreviation for function block