Customizing the A/V memory position (cont.)
The Surround setting creates simulated stereo and surround
effects. You can set this setting to "Off," "Simulate" or "Hall".
• Select Off if you do not want to use any surround effects.
• Select Simulate if you are watching a non-.stereo program. _
Your TV will create a simulated stereo effect.
• Select Hall if you are watching a stereo program. Your TV will
create a simulated surround effect, making the sound seem to
extend around and behind you using the TV's internal speak-
The Speaker function allows you to turn the TV's internal speak-
ers on or off.
• Choose On if you want to play the TV's sounci through the TV's
built-in speakers.
• Choose Off if you connected your audio system to your TV and
you want to play the sound of your TV through the audio
The Monitor Out function determines how t_e TV will send an
audio signal to an audio system or home theatre receiver. Your
choices are '_Variable" or "Fixed".
• If you choose Fixed, the TV will send out an audio signal at a
fixed volume level. The level will not change when you adjust
the TV's volume. Use the controls on your audio system to
adjust the volume. The fixed setting is mo:_t useful when :you
can control the audio system's volume with a remote control.
• If you choose Variable, the TV's audio output will change
when you adjust the TV's volume. If you use this setting with
an audio system, turn the TV's volume all 1;he way down, _et
the audio system's volume to an average setting and then
adjust the TV's volume until you can hear _he signal.
The Level Sound selection allows you to enable the TV to auto-
matically equalize the volume level of programs that contain
significant sound level differences from one se=_ment to another; for
example, from regular programming to commercials. To receive
the best audio fidelity for music programs, it may be desirable to
turn this setting off.
DImportant: For proper tone and volume balance, you may w:[sh to turn off the
TV_s speakers when using an external audio sys_em.
Dlmportant: Set the surround setting to "OFF" when using an A/V receiver with
Dolby Pro Logic Surround.
Getting Started 73