Or a valid downloaded font selector number.
Fonts 5 and 6 are for numeric data only.
The 9403 supports fonts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 11 .
The CG Triumvirate fonts support only the ANSI and DOS
Code Page 437 and 850 Symbol Sets. See Appendix C for
more information.
C6. hgt mag Height magnifier, 1-7 times (4-255 for scalable/downloaded
TrueType fonts). Use a magnifier of 1 with proportionally
spaced fonts, because characters lose smoothness at higher
magnifications. See Appendix B, "Fonts," for more
information about fonts.
C7. wid mag Width magnifier, 1-7 times (4-255 for scalable/downloaded
TrueType fonts). Proportionally spaced fonts do not have a
set width. To estimate the size of your field, use the letter "W"
for the widest field or an "L" for an average width field. Find
your selected font and the desired width in Appendix B,
NOTE: To use larger point sizes (greater than 60), you must
reconfigure memory and increase the size of the
scalable (vector) fonts buffer.
C8. color Options for standard printer fonts:
B Opaque, Normal, Black, Normal
D/R/W Opaque, Normal, White, Normal
O Transparent, Normal, Black, Normal
Options for the Scalable Font:
A/N Transparent, Normal, Black, Bold
B/O Transparent, Normal, Black, Normal
D/W Opaque, Normal, White, Normal
E/S Transparent, Italics, Black, Bold
F/T Transparent, Italics, Black, Normal
There are two types of field color overlay attributes:
Transparent The overlay field (text or constant text) does
not block out (or "erase") existing fields.
Opaque The overlay field blocks out (or "erases")
existing fields.
3-22 Defining Fields