Before you read this manual, review the printer information in the
Operator’s Handbook or Operating Instructions. This manual
provides the necessary information to design, write and print a
Monarch® Printer Control Language II (MPCLII) format. The
following printers support this type of format:
9403® (V. 1.0 or greater)
(V. 1.0 or greater)
9820® (V. 1.0 or greater)
9830® (V. 2.0 or greater)
(V. 3.0 or greater)
(V. 6.1 or greater)
(V. 1.0 or greater)
If you are designing formats for a Monarch® 1464
or 1465
applicator, follow the 9840 printer information provided in this manual.
However, there are a few differences. See Appendix E, "Printer
Differences" for 1464/1465 specific information, along with a description of
each printer’s features and their differences.
About This Manual
You do not need to be a programmer to use this manual, but you
must be familiar with creating text files and using basic MS-DOS®
commands. This chapter describes how to
create and download a sample MPCLII packet.
use the Supply Layout Grid and Format Worksheet.
categorize data into field types and select fonts to use in
your format.
Getting Started