001 Packet ID number must be 1 to 999.
002 Name must be 1 to 8 characters inside quotes or a
printer-assigned name ("").
003 Action must be A (add) or C (clear).
004 Supply length is invalid. See "Defining the Format
Header" in Chapter 3 for valid lengths.
005 Supply width is invalid. See "Defining the Format
Header" in Chapter 3 for valid widths.
006 Storage device must be F (Flash), R (volatile RAM), or
T (temporary for graphics).
007 Unit of measure must be E (English), M (Metric), or G
(Dots). See "Defining the Format Header" in Chapter 3
for information.
010 Field ID number is outside the range 0 to 999 or 0 to 99
depending on your printer.
011 Field length exceeds 2710 or 100 depending on your
012 Row field position is greater than the maximum stock
dimension. See "Defining Text Fields" in Chapter 3 for
valid row lengths.
013 Column field position is greater than the maximum stock
dimension. See "Defining Text Fields" in Chapter 3 for
valid column widths.
014 Font style must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, or
50. See "Defining Text Fields" in Chapter 3 or Appendix
B, "Fonts," for more information.
Diagnostics and Errors