reatt <integer> redial attempts
discon <integer> minutes delay before disconnection
init <text string shorter than 40
command to initialize modem
phone1 <text string shorter than 40
phone number of primary ISP
user1 <text string shorter than 40
user name for primary ISP
pass1 <text string shorter than 40
password for primary ISP
phone2 <text string shorter than 40
phone number of secondary ISP
user2 <text string shorter than 40
user name for secondary ISP
pass2 <text string shorter than 40
password for secondary ISP
Camera custom command configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/cuscom.cgi
Value Description
str11 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 1 of COM1
str12 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 2 of COM1
str13 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 3 of COM1
str14 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 4 of COM1
str15 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 5 of COM1
com11 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 1 of COM1
com12 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 2 of COM1
com13 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 3 of COM1
com14 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 4 of COM1
com15 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 5 of COM1
str21 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 1 of COM2
str22 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 2 of COM2
str23 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 3 of COM2
str24 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 4 of COM2
str25 <text string shorter than 8 characters> button name of custom command 5 of COM2
com21 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 1 of COM2
com22 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 2 of COM2
com23 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 3 of COM2
com24 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 4 of COM2
com25 <text string shorter than 80 characters> custom command 5 of COM2
Camera preset configuration URL
URL: /cgi-bin/preset.cgi
Value Description
com 1, 2 Com port number
cam <1 ~ 4> Video channel number
fixed fixed camera camtype
cammap PTZ camera
id <integer> camera id
addpos <text string shorter than 40 characters> add preset position
delpos <existing position name> delete preset position
VPort 2140 User’s Manual