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Designed to update older intercom systems, the dmc3-4 is a whole-
house music communications system that uses your existing intercom
3 or 4 conductor system wire. It is designed to provide years of
enjoyment and service to the homeowner.
M&S audio products are backed with more than 50 years of experience
in the design and manufacture of precision acoustical equipment for
the home. To ensure that the homeowner receives the high-quality
music and voice reproduction that the system is designed to deliver, it
is important that each step of the installation be done carefully. In the
event you need troubleshooting installation assistance, please call our
technical staff at 1-800-421-1587.
Prior to installing the dmc3-4 system, read and observe the Important
Safety Instructions beginning on page 3.
Our web address is www.mssystems.com. The M&S Systems web site
contains additional information that will be of assistance in the
installation and support of the dmc3-4 system and all other M&S
Systems products. Including installation guides, configuration
recommendations, brochures, product specifications and a frequently
asked questions section.
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