PAGE 18 — C-30HD — PARTS & OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #4 (03/06/01)
This section will explain the recommended procedure for using
a sponge to clean out the lines. After completion of the pour,
pump the remaining concrete in the hopper through the
discharge line. Using a shovel, clean the sides of the hopper.
(Note: The pump engine should be turned off, as explained in
Part A of the Clean Up Procedure.) After the sides of the hopper
have been cleaned, add a small amount of water to the
remaining concrete in the hopper and hand mix.
Start the pump engine and pump the hopper all the way down.
Disconnect the hose from the pump. Fill the hopper with water
and pump the remaining concrete out of the pump. Open the
hinged discharge cone and thoroughly wash out all remaining
concrete (sand-sediment) from the cone and pump manifolds.
Close the discharge cone and lock in place. Take a sponge
(2”x 4”x 6”) and soak it with water. Take the hose that is
disconnected from the pump and shake out the concrete so
that about 2 feet of it is clear. Insert the sponge into the hose.
Reconnect the hose to the pump. Fill the hopper with water
and resume pumping. Run the pump approximately half
throttle. The sponge will be discharged at the end of the line
followed by clear water. At this point, the pump and lines will
be completely clean and ready for the next job.
1. Never put your hands, or any other parts
of your body, in the hopper when the engine
is running.
2. Never use muriatic acid to clear the pump.
Acid will dissolve the chrome finish on the
pumping cylinder.
3. When using a clean-out hook to clean out back into the
redi-mix truck, use a safety chain to secure the clean-out hook
to some solid part of the redi-mix truck to prevent the hook
from jumping off the redi-mix truck’s hopper. Run the pump at
half throttle.
4. Never use air to clean out the lines.
Always think safety first!