MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
Contacting Tech Support via E-mail
If you prefer to receive service on-line, via the Internet, you can contact Tech Support via e-mail at
the following address:
If your tech support specialist decides that service is required, your MultiMobile SoftGSM can be sent
(freight prepaid) to our factory. Return shipping charges will be paid by Multi-Tech Systems.
Include the following with your MultiMobile SoftGSM:
• a description of the problem.
• return billing and return shipping addresses.
• contact name and phone number.
• check or purchase order number for payment if the MultiMobile SoftGSM is out of warranty.
(Check with your technical support specialist for the standard repair charge for your
MultiMobile SoftGSM).
• if possible, note the name of the technical support specialist with whom you spoke.
Send your MultiMobile SoftGSM to this address:
You should also check with the supplier of your MultiMobile SoftGSM on the availability of local
service and/or loaner units in your area.
The Multi-Tech BBS
For customers who do not have Internet access, Multi-Tech maintains a bulletin board system (BBS)
that mirrors its FTP site. Information available from the BBS includes new product information,
product upgrade files, and problem-solving tips. The phone number for the Multi-Tech BBS is (800)
392-2432 (USA and Canada) or (612) 785-3702 (international and local).
The BBS can be accessed by any asynchronous modem operating at 1200 bps to 33,600 bps at a
setting of 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit (8-N-1).
To log on to the Multi-Tech BBS
1. Set your communications program to 8-N-1.
2. Dial our BBS at (800) 392-2432 (USA and Canada) or (612) 785-3702 (international and local).
3. At the prompts, type your first name, last name, and password; then press ENTER. If you are a
first time caller, the BBS asks if your name is spelled correctly. If you answer yes, a questionnaire
is displayed. You must complete the questionnaire to use the BBS on your first call.
4. Press ENTER until the Main Menu is displayed. From the Main Menu you have access to two
areas: the Files Menu and News. For help on menu commands, type ?.