HOWTO ADJUSTTHE HANDLEHEIGHT 4. Remove the wingnutsfromtherightand
left handle brackets (Figure 5).
The lower handle has two assembly posi-
tions. A HIGH and a LOW position(Figure 4).
The HIGH position will raise the handle ap-
_roxirnately four inches.
Figure 4
5. Remove the lower handle from the han-
dle brackets (Figure 5).
6. Rotate the lower handle around
(Figure 6). Mount the lower handle to the
handle brackets.
7. Attach the lower handle to the handle
brackets with the bolts and wingnuts.
(Figure 5).
8. Fasten the upper handle to the lower
handle with the bolts and wingnuts
(Figure 6).
9. Secure the control cables to the lower
handle with the cable ties.
The mounting holes in the lower handle are
offset (Figure 5). To change the holeoffset, ro-
tate the lower handle. This will change the
angle ofthe handle and make the heightofthe
handle higher or lower (Figure 4).
1. Remove the cable ties that fasten the con-
trol cables to the lower handle (Figure 6).
The cable ties can be re-used. To remove
a cable tie, pullthe tab on the cable tie to
free the cable.
2. Remove the botts and wingnuts that fas-
ten the upper handle to the lower handle.
3. Put the upper handle on the ground be-
hind the mower.
CAUTION: Do not bend the cables. A cable
that is bent or damaged must be replaced.
pper Handle
Lower Handle
Offset Hole
Cable Tie
Figure 6
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