The E-mail Folder
The Picture Folder
The Language Folder
This folder provides you with seven different language options.
Select the language you want your ViewFun application to appear in.
This setting controls the
frame size (160x120,
320x240, 640x480) of the
image you are going to
capture. Smaller image
frame sizes require less
memory space to store the
This folder allows you to
enter required information
that enables you to send
captured video clips or im-
ages to the Internet using
your SMTP address/ac-
Note: Subject to internet
service provider limita-
Only after the E-mail folder setup has been completed is it pos-
sible to use the Mail command found by right-clicking the desired
video or image thumbnail.
Mail Server: enter your SMTP address (e.g. Mailserver.com).
Your E-mail Address: enter your full e-mail address
(e.g. YourID@Mailserver.com).
Video/Picture file:
• Compression Level: select the desired compression level.
Compression level and file quality have an inverse relationship. For
example, higher file compression levels produce lower file quality
and smaller file size.
Note: Smaller files are faster to send over and download from the
• Attach File Name: to change the default (Video# or Pic#) file
name click Change and enter the desired new default file name.
Note: It is not necessary to add the file extension (.AVI or .PIC).
Auto Snap
Checking this box enables the user to automatically capture im-
ages at regular intervals (e.g. Auto snap ever: 5 seconds) over a
specified period of time (e.g. Total time: 20 seconds).
For example, Auto snap every 5 seconds for a Total time of 20
seconds will capture 4 images starting 5 seconds after you click the
Take a Picture button on the main screen.
Note: Auto snap images do not appear in the Photo Album. They
are saved to a predetermined destination (see below).
Save Snap Series to file:
Using the Browse button you can determine where to save the
series of images that are going to be captured while using the Auto
Snap function.
Note: The default destination for all captured Auto snap images is
C:\ViewFun\AUTOSNAP where they appear as snap bitmap files
(e.g. snap1.bmp, snap2.bmp, etc.).